The Beyond Default Approach to Human Rights in International Arbitration
The American Bar Association Committee on International Courts & Judicial Affairs is excited to invite you to our next ICJA Committee bi-monthly Zoom teleconference on Thursday, July 30th at 12:00 – 1:00 p.m. EST. The theme of this month's call is: The Beyond Default Approach to Human Rights in International Arbitration: Presenting the Hague Rules on Business & Human Rights Arbitration and will feature the incredible Professor Katerina M. Yiannibas of Columbia Law School.
The event with the support of the ASIL's Private International Law Committee, ABA's International Arbitration Committee, ATLAS, and the New York International Arbitration Committee (NYIAC).
The Hague Rules on Business and Human Rights Arbitration "aimed to create an international private judicial dispute resolution avenue available to parties involved in business and human rights issues as claimants and defendants, thereby contributing to filling the judicial remedy gap in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."
Issued in December 2019, the Hague Rules offer a new forum for resolving disputes in the business and human rights arena. In this highly interactive presentation, Professor Yiannibas, who has been pivotally involved in the drafting of the Hague Rules, will share several insights on the Hague Rules and the impact it will have on business and human rights.
This session will be moderated by Rekha Rangachari and Kabir Duggal from the ABA Committee on International Courts & Judicial Affairs.
To join the meeting on July 30th at 12:00 p.m., please use the following information:
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